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[[Category:Template documentation pages{{#translation:}}]]

Message box
{{Fmbox}}footer / header
{{Ombox}}other pages
{{Asbox}}article stub

Basic usage

The box below shows the most common parameters that are accepted by {{Pub}}. The purpose of each is described below.

| type   = 
| number = 

Common parameters

Pub type

The Pub type parameter specifies the type of the publication (e.g., CAPM, CAPR, CAPP, CAPS, CAPVA).

Pub number

The Pub number parameter specifies the number of the publication.


See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Pub in articles based on its TemplateData.

TemplateData for Pub

<templatedata> { "params": { "1": { "label": "Pub type", "description": "The type of publication.", "type": "string", "suggestedvalues": [ "CAPM", "CAPP", "CAPR", "CAPS", "CAPVA" ] }, "2": { "label": "Pub number", "description": "The number of the publication.", "type": "string"


}, "paramOrder": [ "type", "number" ] } </templatedata>