Additional Resources
DOD Dictionary
FEMA Dictionary
Acronym/Abbreviation | Spelled Out | Definition |
101 Card | Civil Air Patrol Form 101 | Wallet-sized form that lists all Emergency Services qualifications and supervised trainee status |
1AF | First Air Force | USAF Component of NORTHCOM to which CAP is operationally assigned |
ABU | Airmen's Battle Dress Uniform | USAF-style uniform authorized for CAP wear |
ACC | Air Combat Command | USAF Command to which CAP-USAF is assigned |
ACSC | Air Command and Staff College | Air Force officer Intermediate Developmental Education course for majors and major-selects |
ADIS | Advanced Digital Imagery System | Photography mission type |
AE | Aerospace Education | |
AFRCC | Air Force Rescue Coordination Center | Air Force center that manages assignment of Air Force search and rescue in the United States |
AWC | Air War College | Air Force officer Senior Developmental Education course for lieutenant colonels and Lt Col-selects |
BDU | Battle Dress Uniform | Old USAF-style uniform authorized for CAP wear. Being phased out in 2021. |
Bivouac | Military camping typically with training activities. Usually a temporary encampment under little or no shelter. (pronounced BIV-wack) | |
BZ | Bravo Zulu | Navy term for "job well done" |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol | USAF Auxiliary |
CAPF | Civil Air Patrol Form | |
CAPID | Civil Air Patrol Identification (number) | Unique number to identify each member |
CAPP | Civil Air Patrol Pamphlet | Written guidance published by National Headquarters or subordinate units |
CAPR | Civil Air Patrol Regulation | Written directive on policy published by National Headquarters |
CAPS | Civil Air Patrol Standard | |
CAP-USAF | Civil Air Patrol - United States Air Force | USAF personnel assigned by 1AF to oversea the operations of the Auxiliary and monitor the spending of appropriated funds. |
CC | Commander | |
CCC | Command Chief Master Sergeant | |
CCF | First Sergeant (Cadet or Composite Squadrons Only) | |
CD | Deputy Commander | |
CD | Counterdrug Officer | |
CDC | Deputy Commander for Cadets | |
CDI | Character Development Instructor | Senior Member who teaches character development classes for cadets |
CDI | Commander-Directed Investigation | |
CDS | Deputy Commander for Seniors | |
CFU | Corporate Field Uniform | Blue utility uniform. |
CI | Compliance Inspection | National Headquarters inspection of region and wing headquarters |
CLC | Corporate Learning Course | Advanced Course for Senior Members to learn about CAP organization above the squadron |
CMSAF | Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force | |
COP | Certificate of Proficiency | "Recognition for cadets who completed the cadet program prior to the current system" |
COP | Common Operating Picture | "A single identical display of relevant information shared
by more than one command that facilitates collaborative planning and assists all echelons to achieve situational awareness. (DOD Dictionary)" |
COV | Corporate Owned Vehicle | Vehicles owned by CAP |
CP | Cadet Programs | |
CPP | Cadet Protection Program | |
CPPT | Cadet Protection Program Training | |
CS | Chief of Staff (Wing/Region) | |
CSAF | Chief of Staff of the Air Force | |
CV | Vice Commander | |
CWU | Corporate Working Uniform | a.k.a. polo uniform authorized for senior members only |
DA | Administration | |
DAART | Domestic Awareness Assessment and Response Tool | |
DC | Communications (Director) | |
DEV | Development (NHQ Only) | |
DF | Direction Finder | "Equipment capable of receiving and tracking aviation marine and personal distress beacons on 121.5 243 and 406 MHz frequencies" |
DIV | Diversity Officer | |
DO | Operations | |
DOC | Counterdrug | |
DOH | Homeland Security | |
DOK | Director of Communications | NHQ only |
DOS | Emergency Services | |
DOT | Operations Training | |
DOU | Director of Unmanned Aerial Systems | |
DOV | Standardization & Evaluation | |
DP | Personnel | |
DR | Disaster Relief | |
DSCA | Defense Support of Civil Authorities | "Authority used by DoD Components to support civil authorities to save lives mitigate suffering minimize serious property damage and protect vital infrastructure during a disaster." |
E108 | Electronic CAPF108 | Request for reimbursement of mission expenses filed in WMIRS |
E&T | Education and Training | Senior Member training program. Replaced Professional Development. Also known as ET |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter | Aircraft beacon that triggers in a crash to help search teams locate the aircraft |
ET | Education and Training | Senior Member training program. Replaced Professional Development. Also known as E&T |
EXPLAN | Exercise Plan | The overall plan for the exercise |
F&P | Familiarization and Preparatory Training | "The initial ""classroom"" " |
FDU | Flight Duty Uniform | a.k.a. flight suit |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency | |
FLIR | Forward-Looking Infrared | "Thermal imaging system used by some CAP wings (NDWG WYWG) for DSCA/SAR" |
FM | Finance Officer | |
FMA | Wing Financial Analyst | May also be called WFA (wiffa) |
Form 5 | Civil Air Patrol Form #5 | Form used by CAP to approve pilot qualifications to fly CAP aircraft |
FSX | Full-scale Exercise | Exercise that involves all field forces as well as mission management |
FTL | Field Team Leader | VDEM qualification similar to Ground Team Leader |
FTM | Field Team Member | VDEM qualification similar to Ground Team Member |
GC | General Counsel (NHQ Only) | |
GES | General Emergency Services | Initial training/exam for members starting emergency services training. Required for any ES participation. |
GIIEP | Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation Portable | |
GR | Government Relations Advisor (Wing and region) | Also may be called GRA |
GREEN FLAG | Mission Code Phrase | Special CAP mission using specially equipped aircraft to train military sensor operators |
GSA | General Services Administration | Federal agency that sets reimbursement rates for lodging and per diem (food) |
GSAR (College) | Ground Search and Rescue College | VDEM course for Field Team Member (Ground Team Member) qualification |
GTL | Ground Team Leader | |
GTM | Ground Team Member | |
GVR | Government Relations | NHQ only |
HC | Chaplain | |
HO | Historian | |
HQ | Headquarters | "Management level in CAP above the squadron/chartered flight e.g. Group Wing Region National " |
HR | Human Relations | NHQ employee management |
HS | Health Services | |
IACE | International Air Cadet Exchange | |
ICP | Incident Command Post | |
ICS | Incident Command System | |
ICUT | Introductory Communications User Training | Initial training to be able to operate CAP radios without supervision |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules | |
IG | Inspector General (wing and higher) | |
IPP | Initial Planning Point | Point selected to begin planning for a search |
IT | Information Technology | |
JA | Legal Officer (wing and higher) | |
LG | Logistics | |
LGM | Aircraft Maintenance Officer | |
LGS | Supply Officer | |
LGT | Transportation Officer | |
LKP | Last Known Position | "Point where target was last known to be including use of clues not just last seen" |
LPB | Lost Person Behavior | Behavior patterns of lost persons based on research and historical data |
MALR | Mid-Atlantic Liaison Region | This is the CAP-USAF component aligned with MAR |
MAR | Mid-Atlantic Region | "CAP region that includes Delaware Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Washington DC Virginia and West Virginia" |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement | Formal agreeement between two organizations that does not involve financial obligation |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | Formal agreeement between two organizations that includes a financial obligation |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer | |
NCOA | Non-Commissioned Officer Academy | Focused training course for SSgt - CMSgt |
NCSA | National Cadet Special Activity | |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization | "Private organizations such as churches and non-profit service groups that provide support to the community especially in disaster response" |
NOC | National Operations Center | CAP's emergency operations center that authorizes CAP missions |
NORTHCOM | Northern Command | Provides command and control of DoD homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities for USA |
NRCC | National Response Coordination Center | FEMA response center to integrate Federal and Non-Governmental Organization response to disasters |
NRF | National Response Framework | "Plan that establishes a comprehensive national all-hazards approach to domestic incident response. It presents the guiding principles that enable all response partners to prepare for and provide a unified national response to disasters and emergencies – from the smallest incident to the largest catastrophe" |
NSC | National Staff College | Resident course for Senior Members teaching leadership and organization |
OBC | Officer Basic Course | Fundamentals of officership and leadership for senior members. Required course for Level II of the Professional Development Program. |
OPCON | Operational Control | |
OPEX | Operational Exercise | Exercise that is geared to test specific function or skill set or group |
OPR | Office of Primary Responsibility | |
Ops Eval | Operations Evaluation | AF inspection of each wing’s operations (emergency services) capability. Occurs every 2 years |
Ops Quals | Operations Qualifications | Module in eServices to track Emergency Services and flight qualifications |
ORM | Operational Risk Management | Also called RM-Risk Management |
ORMS | Organizational Resource Management System | "CAP database to track equipment vehicles and aircraft" |
PA | Public Affairs | |
PD | Professional Development | |
PLS | Point Last Seen | Point where target was actually seen |
POA | Probability of Area | Probability that a search target is in a specified area |
POC | Point of Contact | |
POD | Probability of Detection | Probability that a search target will be found if it is in the search area |
PODS | Point of Distribution System | "Location during disaster response where residents can pick up food water and supplies." |
PODS | Points of Dispensing | Location during disaster response where residents can pick up medications. |
POS | Probability of Success | Probability based on combination of POD and POA |
POV | Personally Owned Vehicles | Vehicles owned by members |
RCLS | Region Cadet Leadership School | |
REDCAP | A real world CAP mission | May be any real mission (not exercise) assigned by AFRCC or the NOC |
RM | Risk Management | Also called Operational Risk Management |
RON | Remain Overnight | Module in WMIRS for approval to fund lodging and per diem (food) during a mission |
ROW | Rest of the World | Area outside search area |
RPA | Remotely Piloted Aircraft | Aircraft controlled from a distance/pilot not on board. Also known as UAS |
RSC | Region Staff College | |
SAR | Search and Rescue | |
SAR | Suspicious Activity Reporting | Used by DHS and law enforcement |
SAREX | Search and Rescue Exercise | Practice search and rescue mission |
SE | Safety | |
SIRS | Safety Information Reporting System | |
SLS | Squadron Leadership Course | Course for Senior Members about how a squadron operates |
SOS | Squadron Officers School | AF developmental education course for captains and captain-select |
SQTR | Specialty Qualification Training Record | Form to track Emergency Services qualifications |
SUI | Subordinate Unit Inspection | "Wing inspection program for units below wing level (groups/squadrons) conducted every 24 months" |
sUAS | Small Unmanned Aircraft System | Small "drone" |
TAG | The Adjutant General | Highest Commander in a State’s National Guard. In charge of Air and Army Guard. Selected by and reports to the governor. |
TLC | Training Leaders of Cadets | Course for Senior Members to learn about the cadet program. 3 levels available. |
TSA | The Spaatz Association | Organization of individuals who earned CAP's General Carl A. Spaatz Award or Certificate of Proficiency |
TTX | Table-top Exercise | Exercise that is restricted to management and may range quite a bit by type. |
TUV | Temporary Use Vehicles | Vehicles rented or borrowed by CAP |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System | Aircraft of any size that is remotely piloted |
UCC | Unit Commanders Course | Course for Senior Members to learn about being a unit commander |
UDF | Urban Direction Finding | Mission to locate Emergency Locator Transmitters (emergency beacons) |
USAF | United States Air Force | |
v/r | very respectfully | Used as a closing statement before a signature block |
VAWG | Virginia Wing | |
VDEM | Virginia Department of Emergency Management | "Virginia state agency responsible for search and rescue state support in disasters etc." |
VDOA | Virginia Department of Aviation | Virginia state agency |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules | |
VOAD | Volunteer Organizations Assisting in Disasters | Primarily a church oriented group that assists in disaster response. |
WA | Wing Administrator | |
WMIRS | Web Mission Information Reporting System | "CAP's online database to track missions sorties aircraft and funding" |
XO | Executive Officer | |
XP | Plans and Programs |