
From CAPipedia

eServices HelpDesk

CAP's eServices HelpDesk can be found at this link or Lower right side of the eServices Screen (both old and New)
The Help Desk can be used to submit a bug or ask for an enhancement.

Help Desk Start

Steps to submit a ticket

  1. Check for an answer or if the bug/enhancement has already been submitted
  2. Submit a problem/ask a question

  1. Your Tickets are listed here
  2. Defaults to open tickets
  3. Can be changed to find old tickets
  1. Enter the summary (title) Be descriptive example WMIRS will not let me enter a sortie not WMIRS doesn't work
  2. Enter Problem/Questions Be as descriptive as you can, the steps you took and what happened and/or what you think should have happened
  3. Add a screen shot if it makes sense (The more information you can give us, the easier it will be to determine the problem)
  4. Choose a category (it you don't work at HQ, don't select one of their categories)
  5. CAPID (obvious)
  6. Wing
  7. Unit
  8. Submit problem